READ THIS NEXT: The Clingiest Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. Whether it’s by micromanaging coworkers at the office or creating a chore chart for roommates at home, Virgo’s diligent nature gets frustrating at times. “Virgo people are meticulous and their need for control can be overwhelming,” says celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman. “They can end up annoying others with their demanding and perfectionist nature.” If you belong to this sign, consider taking a second to pause before asking your spouse to re-clean the kitchen or an intern to change the wording of a non-important email. It just might save you from being called annoying.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb A Taurus person’s chill personality can sometimes be seen as indifferent—which has the potential to bother friends and family. “Taurus is very calm, to the point of not really caring if someone around them is desperate for attention or interaction,” says Honigman. “While this peaceful quality makes them amazing judges, prison staff, and ER nurses, it isn’t a popular quality in environments where no emergency is detected and can annoy their loved ones, who would like a bit of attention and care.” If this trait is brought to a Taurus’ attention, they should make every effort to correct course and provide support to those who need it. READ THIS NEXT: The Most Vindictive Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries has a tendency to be impatient, fast-moving, and bold. Depending on who’s on the receiving end of these behaviors, they can sometimes be considered irritating. “Aries is a quickfire sign, and reacts to things instantly—catching people off guard, which isn’t always a popular way to be,” says Honigman. “Calmer signs can find the Aries’ constant bouncing and stressing a bit triggering, since they struggle to take a break, and so no one around them gets a break either.” Learning to read the energy of a room—and relax when necessary—will help this sign immensely. This sign’s life-of-the-party nature doesn’t sit well with everyone. “People born under this sign can be boastful,” says professional astrologer Anna Kovach. “They can be entertaining and have a great sense of humor, but they make everything about them.” Most notably, though, it’s this sign’s penchant for loudness and drama that can rub people the wrong way. “Sometimes, their confidence leads them to overestimate themselves, and the resulting behavior can get under people’s skin,” says Kovach. By accepting that they don’t always have to be the center of attention, Leo can avoid countless eye rolls. READ THIS NEXT: For more beauty advice delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.